Just keep paddling.

Just keep paddling.

Coming soon.

Breaking News 📰 - You’re not alone.

Being able to share my reality with a very small group of people over the last few years has been the only thing that kept me afloat. Being validated, understood, and even just HEARD and reminded that I’m not crazy has been critical for me. Reading other stories like mine and finding the humor in the horror has been so helpful. I know I’m not alone & I want you to know you’re not alone, too.

I don’t know what this is going to turn out to be…or how much time I can carve out of my life to put towards this… but I had another funny idea and I’m going to try and actually put it out there. 🛶

Follow /dooshké nōōs @douchecanews for stories from good hearted people who need a place to share and be heard - even if it’s only anonymously.